Tableland Studio

Welcome to the Tableland Studio!

The Tableland Studio makes it easy to design and deploy tables on Tableland, collaborate with orgmates on projects, integrate your project with the Studio CLI, and discover what other users are building on Tableland.

Remember, everything you do on the blockchain is public. Don't use the Studio for any private, illegal, or harmful activities. Respect the law, our community, and each other. Let's create together responsibly!

Start by connecting your wallet using the button in the upper right corner of the screen.

Then, log into the Studio using the button in the upper right corner of the screen. You'll be prompted to choose a Studio username, and then you'll be redirected to the Studio page for your personal Org.

Explore Studio Projects

Your work in the Studio is organized into Projects. Learn about any Project by reading its description and viewing its table definitions. Soon, we'll be launching a feature allowing you to clone any project as a quick way to get started.

Featured Studio Projects

Latest Studio Projects


Explore the wider Tableland landscape

The Studio is built to make using Tableland easier and more visual; however, many people use Tableland directly as well. Below, you can explore tables on Tableland that aren't necessarily part of any Studio project. You may find inspiration, or even a table you want to use in your own Studio project!

Latest Tableland tables


Active Tableland tables

Tables ranked by the most write operations in the last 24 hours.